East End Village

Property Location

Morgantown | West Virginia

Property Type

Retail | Commercial



Site Plan

A groundbreaking development located in the City of Morgantown is starting to take shape. East End Village, located along Richwood Avenue, is moving forward as both the demolition and the preliminary design phases for the 10-acre projects are close to being completed. The hope for those involved in the East End Village development is that buildings will start to see some level of construction by the end of 2025. Demolition of the remaining now-vacant homes is expected to be completed by the end of the spring, with final designs expected to be approved around the same time or a couple of months afterward. With the potential $200 million impact on the local economy and nationally recognized businesses willing to move in, the hope is to get construction started as soon as possible.

The East End Village development will consist of the construction of mixed-use development properties that will take over the area where 58 old houses formerly stood along Richwood Avenue. The new properties are projected to include over 300 market-rate apartments and other housing options (condos, townhomes) that will sit over retail suites and be interspersed with standalone components such as a grocery store, a hotel, and other amenities, all located a short walk from downtown Morgantown. For developers involved in the project, the potential of the East End Village has garnered potential investments from across the country.

The East End Village is projected to be completed within the next 3-5 years.

East End Village

Tenant Plan

East End Village

Acreage Available

East End Village


East End Village GALLERY


East End Village Aerial Shots