Northpointe Plaza

Northpointe Plaza | Premiere Commercial Real State

Property Location

Morgantown | Mileground

Property Type

Retail | Restaurant | Office



Site Plan

Northpointe Plaza is a prime retail, restaurant, office complex located in the high traffic Mileground area of Morgantown, WV capturing all of Morgantown’s sub-markets including Suncrest and Cheat Lake.

Located seconds from I-68 Exit 7, on what is known as the Mileground, Northpointe Plaza is in the heart of the Morgantown daily traffic. Northpointe Plaza offers a perfect location for both sit down and delivery restaurants, retail shops, and office space. In addition to being in a prime traffic location, Northpointe Plaza is also directly adjacent to multiple residential subdivisions.

All of our listings can be found on LoopNet.  Click the LoopNet Listing link for more detailed space availability information.

Northpointe Plaza

Tenant Plan

Northpointe Plaza

Acreage Available

Northpointe Plaza


Northpointe Plaza GALLERY


Northpointe Plaza Aerial Shots