Village Centre At Spring Mills

Property Location

Martinsburg | Spring Mills

Property Type

Retail | Restaurant | Office | Pad Sites | Build to Suit



Site Plan

Village Centre at Spring Mills is a brand new commercial offering retail, restaurant and office suites in the rapidly growing Spring Mills area just north of Martinsburg, WV directly off of Rt. 11 Williamsport Pike seconds from Interstate 81. Two 8,000 SF buildings that can be cut down into individual suites.

Village Centre is surrounded by brand new residential construction including duplex rentals directly behind it and brand new D.R. Horton build homes directly across the street. Development lies diagonal from a brand new WVU Health Urgent Care facility and adjacent to Walmart, Sheetz, McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Popeyes, Little Ceasar’s, Advanced Auto Parts, United Bank, Spring Mills Middle School and more!!!



Village Centre At Spring Mills

Tenant Plan

Village Centre At Spring Mills

Acreage Available

Village Centre At Spring Mills


Village Centre At Spring Mills GALLERY


Village Centre At Spring Mills Aerial Shots